Attachment-Based Family Therapy Training
What does training in ABFT consist of?
There are three levels to ABFT training with the final level culminating in certification. Level I consists of a 2-Part Introductory workshop (the Fundamentals of ABFT Online Self-Paced Course may be completed in lieu of Part 1). Level II consists of 22 weeks of supervision and a 3-day advanced workshop. Level III consists of tape review leading to certification. The certification process can be completed in as little as approximately 1 year, but does not have to be. This is described in more detail in our ABFT Training Process Document [PDF]. Participants can move through these levels and stop when they want or complete the full program.
For an agency looking to implement ABFT, we find that just training therapists may not be enough. Implementation and sustainability of a manualized, empirically-supported treatment requires a high level of commitment and systems change on the part of an agency or treatment program. There are several challenges and innovations for the agency to consider before training staff. These are described in our Dissemination and Implementation Starter Packet [PDF].
We also offer resources for therapists at any level of ABFT training, including guidance on conducting ABFT via tele-health, an online course with demonstration therapy videos, and webinars about special topics pertaining to ABFT or working with specific client populations.
When can someone call themself an ABFT Therapist?
Before completing the certification process, therapists in training may say they are conducting ABFT informed work. Therapists that have been certified may refer to themselves as ABFT Certified Therapists.
How does someone get on the ABFT Therapist list?
Once therapists begin participating (or have previously participated) in a supervision group, they can opt to have their contact information listed on our website as an ABFT Trained (not certified) Therapist. Upon completion of the Level II requirements, they will be moved to the Level II Trained ABFT Therapist list. Once certified, their contact information will be moved to the ABFT Certified Therapist list.