Supervisor and Trainer Certification for Organizations Implementing ABFT

When organizations choose to implement ABFT we understand the investment they are making. Thus, sustainability is of the upmost importance when investing in training staff in an empirically supported treatment. As a result, we encourage organizations to have some of their staff become trained as in-house ABFT Supervisors. Additionally, for larger organizations anticipating new staff needing to be trained in ABFT, we are able to train staff to become in-house ABFT Trainers.

Becoming a Certified ABFT Supervisor and Trainer does not mean being an independent teacher of ABFT. Certified ABFT Supervisors and Trainers work collaboratively with the Drexel ABFT Training Program, which remains involved in providing oversight of training activities, final certification of therapists, and determining future procedures for training and evaluating trainees. Although a supervisor is certified to supervise new therapists within their organization, they are not authorized to independently certify clinicians as ABFT therapists. Certification is accomplished through collaboration with the training center in Philadelphia. We are not looking to be over controlling of people committed to ABFT, but rather maintain a standard of quality across all training programs.

Certified ABFT Supervisor Training

Those interested in becoming a Certified ABFT Supervisor must first become a Certified ABFT Therapist in order to eligible for the training. The training includes course work in EFT (recommended), providing supervision under supervision, reviewing ABFT therapy tapes, and demonstrating competence in the ABFT Adherence Rating Scales. The training and evaluation of becoming a supervisor is a competency-based task. We select trainees with the anticipation of success and work closely with them to provide feedback throughout the training process so they are aware of their ability to successfully complete the training process.

Certified ABFT Trainer Training

To train to become a Certified ABFT Trainer, candidates must meet the following criteria: be a Certified ABFT Therapist and Certified ABFT Supervisor. The training includes a 4-day workshop and submitting a series of ABFT lectures for feedback and evaluation. The training and evaluation of becoming a trainer is a competency-based task. We select trainees with the anticipation of success and work closely with them to provide feedback throughout the training process so they are aware of their ability to successfully complete the training process.