The ABFT Therapist Directory is a list of therapists who have participated in ABFT training with either ABFT International Training Institute, LLC or one of our international ABFT training programs. Listing is voluntary and does not include all persons who have been through ABFT trainings with ABFT International Training Institute, LLC or one of our international ABFT training programs. The ABFT Therapist Directory is a resource, not an endorsement, of providers. ABFT International Training Institute does not make specific referrals. Always inquire into the credentials of any practitioner before choosing a therapist.
The list is divided into three categories:
- “Certified Therapists” have successfully completed all of the requirements of our ABFT Therapist Certification training. This means that these therapists have demonstrated adherence and competence in using ABFT with clients at the time of certification.
- “Level II Trained ABFT Therapists” have successfully completed all of the requirements of our Level I (Two-Part Introductory Workshop) and Level II (22 supervision sessions; 3-day Advanced Workshop) training. This includes presenting at least 4 cases during supervision, showing tape for at least 2 cases and passing our ABFT exam with at least an 80% or higher.
- “Level I Therapists” have attended, at a minimum, our 3-day Introductory workshop and are currently or have in the past participated in ABFT supervision with a Certified ABFT Supervisor.
Therapists who have completed the 3-day Introductory ABFT workshop and participated in supervision through the ABFT Training Program or have been certified as an ABFT therapist, and wish to be listed in our directory, can request to be added to the directory.
Becky Wesley
- 719-930-5500